What do you think of Chuck Norris?

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Hehe(: He looks like those things on the laffy taffy willy wonka candy bars. Now I really want one. He looks insane...Maybe he did have too many Willy Wonka candy bars. Who knows? o.O
Photo Credit: macmcrae.com

Thursday, May 6, 2010


It's weird how so many things in this world are random...If you think about, you think of how those things come up and how they happen...Funny stories lead to them....Kind of like how much of a fail like Chuck Norris is as a ninja. I know I fail everyday. Everybody does. Whether its a mistake or just a simple mess up. Example: There's a horse race, the guy next to you has a horse to ride, and you have a pony :D