What do you think of Chuck Norris?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


-Photo Credit: Google.com
Now this, is a epic win.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Nah....Thats not a win....

-Photo Credit: Google.com

Monday, April 26, 2010

Epic Win

-Photo Credit: Google
I say this is a Epic Win...Its just that amazing

Friday, April 23, 2010

-Fail Blog's Photo
This guy is smaaarrrtttt....
I think I should give him a cookie. :D

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Behold. The amazing Ninja door...
-Credit goes to Fail Blog.
-I found this photo on google, and its amazing and so true.
I wonder how many fails you could have in 'Fail' or where
it is? I would love to be there. Perfect for me

Space War! :O

-Another photo from Google(:
Wow.........I guess this is what it will look like for 2012? (<---2012 is.a.lie.) May the world come to an end?! Nah. Earth is just hungry.

Epic.Failure :P

-Also, Thanks Fail Blog for this photo(:
You would be thinking that before the people actually put that on the cat, they would think first to feed it ._. Smaaarrrrtttt coookkieeesss

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

All About This Blog

This blog is mainly about random things that don't mostly appear in life, but are very funny. Do you like tacos?! I do. Don't ask why I said that.(: